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  1. Going greener in the garden

    Posted on May 19, 2017 by Andrew

    People naturally assume that their garden is green, however, what many people aren’t aware of is that they could become more environmentally friendly.  Read more…

  2. Going Green to Fight Cancer in More Ways Than One

    Posted on June 17, 2016 by Andrew

    The phrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” seems to be nothing more than a cliché these days, because very few people actually take it to heart and practice what it promotes – living holistically (and perhaps living green as part of living holistically). As much as there are a few people who do indeed take the “prevention-is-better-than-cure” belief very seriously, it is indeed better, but not something which prevents illness without fail, 100% of the time. When it comes to diseases such as cancer, by the time a sufferer finds out that they have cancer, preaching preventative measures really doesn’t help, especially when one considers that the causes of cancer are usually very subtle. We often get exposed to these causes unknowingly. Read more…

  3. Five Ways To Live More Green With A Green Thumb

    Posted on March 09, 2016 by Andrew


    There are thousands of ways to work towards a more green life, from using solar and wind energy to creating less waste. Of the many ways, you can also work to integrate more nature into your life. Things like trees and plants release oxygen and do many other great things for the environment.

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Tip of the Day

If It Doesn’t Smell, Don’t Wash It

According to Real Simple, if every American made an effort to launder less — cutting out just one load of laundry a week per household — we’d save enough water to fill seven million swimming pools each year.

So if it looks clean, and it smells clean, call it clean and wear it again. Consider hanging worn clothes out on your clothesline to freshen them up between wearings

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