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Beautiful Gardens All-Year Round

Posted on May 03, 2016 by Andrew

For all the pleasures that gardening brings, the type of plants you choose to make up your garden can have you in for some seriously frustrating times. Sure, many frustrating aspects of gardening are just unavoidable, such as the seasonal nature of most plants, whether it’s trees, flowers, or your lawn. You may want to make use of professional services to make sure that your lawn is in top condition all year round. Check out the Trugreen service areas to see if you can call them out near you.


Nature perhaps demonstrates it best, with autumn signaling the start of a season where a lot of trees will have bare branches and a lot of flowers seem like they wilt and die off completely. This does not mean your garden can only look like a garden during the warmer times of the year, however.

Again, we’re talking beyond the autumn season here – beyond that period during fall when any garden still looks very beautiful only as a result of the multi-colored leaves lining the floor while the last of them is one strong wind away from falling off the branches. There are some simple garden ideas you can implement to ensure your garden remains beautiful all year round and it basically comes down to a combination of plant-type selection and the structure of your garden area (how you construct the garden-housing elements).

Plant Types

Look, the best-looking plants flower up brightly in summer, so there’s no arguing with the fact that you definitely need some seasonal plants in your garden. In order to find the perfect plants for your garden, it might be worth visiting your local garden center. They should have a selection of different flowers and plants to make any garden look beautiful, so it might be worth having a day out at a garden store.

You can either put them around the edge of your garden to border it, or, you may want to look into how vertical gardening can be a great way to showcase your plants and flowers. This not only looks aesthetically pleasing, but it is easier to manage and keep an eye on.

In the case of trees, however, building your garden around evergreens is a good way to ensure it at least maintains some measure of “greenness” all year round. Spread these out evenly with seasonal flowering trees in between and pretty much the whole job is complete. Your garden will continue looking “alive” even when it gets really cold and the snow pretty much covers everything on the ground.

Garden Construction Elements

The skeleton of a great-looking all-season garden is basically made up of a few garden construction elements, such as a pool, patio, pathway, wall/fence. For instance, imagine a swimming pool nestled in the heart of your garden; it can truly enhance the overall aesthetic of your outdoor garden, don’t you think? Whether you opt for a classic rectangular or oval shape pool, or something more unique like a freeform design that can blend beautifully with your garden’s natural beauty, the choice is yours to match your garden’s style. And, to bring your dream garden with a swimming pool to life, you can consider reaching out to professionals such as these Houston Pool Builders or similar experts in your area. These specialists can transform your vision into reality, elevating the beauty of your garden.

Similarly, a well-designed fence constructed by a reputable Fencing Contractor in your area, or a row of trees, can define and enhance the perimeter of your garden throughout the year. For example, lining a stone or cement pathway with white rocks adds a touch of elegance and keeps the outdoor area looking appealing even when seasonal plants aren’t blooming. Also, including a stone or brick pathway could potentially improve the look of your patio, providing not only a walkway but also a clear divider in your garden area. It could also bring a heritage look to your garden, complementing the feel of your house. A stonemasonry melbourne specialist or someone equally qualified in your vicinity could be approached to help revamp the outdoor area!

Basically, you should design a garden that looks good without any plants or one which looks good with very little shrubbery. If it looks good structurally then the blooming plants will only add to its beauty when the season is right, but otherwise, the garden area will still look great all year round. That said, it is also a must, to keep the plants and shrubbery trimmed and pruned so that the look of your garden is maintained throughout. Sustaining a garden is crucial to the appearance of your outer space, along with the regular upgrades and types of plants present in the yard!

Tip of the Day

If It Doesn’t Smell, Don’t Wash It

According to Real Simple, if every American made an effort to launder less — cutting out just one load of laundry a week per household — we’d save enough water to fill seven million swimming pools each year.

So if it looks clean, and it smells clean, call it clean and wear it again. Consider hanging worn clothes out on your clothesline to freshen them up between wearings

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