Petrol prices in 2019
Posted on July 05, 2019 by
Petrol prices in 2019
In the world today, there has been a double in the amount of people driving cars. This may suggest that fuel prices will go up massively due to the increase in people driving, in order for everyone to be able to drive their cars. From some research, there has been in increase in 2018 where it was £1.21 per litre in the UK which is a significant amount. Over 10 years ago, this was £0.89 per litre. Evidently, that there has been an increase in more people driving which has caused the petrol prices to rise. So knowing that this will make people not very happy due to the fact that they have risen of their fuel prices. Here, with Lookers, who offer a range of car servicing plans, we delve deeper to see what we can expect to see from petrol prices throughout 2019…
Petrol around the world
At the beginning of 2019, there were news reports about the ‘France yellow jackets’ protesters. These people were protesting purely because of fuel tax. This made people angry due to the rise in price which caused them to protest against the government. People who protested claimed that all people are the same and it does not depend on what job they have due to tax. They also say that they cannot rely on their cars to go the shops or to the country side because how high the tax is. Evidently, people cannot afford to run their cars due to the rise of tax and the lack of trust they have In their cars. There has also been the same in Australia where their tax has also gone up and has caused riots. This is evidence that the tax rises in petrol is not making people have trust in their cars and their council. These stories have reached news because of how much impact it has had on people and different families.
Zimbabwe riots
In January 2019, there was a riot in Zimbabwe due to petrol prices rising. Just overnight their petrol prices doubled. The people in Zimbabwe have been blocking bus routes with burned tires and protesting about these price rises. Many were arrested and killed for destruction and violence. Due to these price rises, Zimbabwe’s government are trying to end the economic poverty that they are suffering so thinking that raising the patrol price, this has caused a lot of violence and has cost lives which can have impact on friends and families.
Over the last 10 years fuel prices have gone up knowing that people driving has increased massively. Knowing that many prices have gone up due to poverty or increase of cars in the world, there has been many issues behind it. For example, the French yellow jacket riots where there has been riots about fuel tax’s which has caused violence and people becoming upset. This has been caused by the government making tax higher. Another issue is that the Zimbabwe riots by making fuel prices higher has caused for people to get arrested and even result in death. Fuel has increased to £1.21 per litre whereas 10 years ago, it was £0.89 due to the increase in cars, which is not in correlation to people earning more either.