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5 Things Recycled Tyres Are Commonly Used For

Posted on August 21, 2018 by Andrew

Whether disposed of incorrectly or simply piled by the side of the road, old car tyres can be a serious environmental problem and pose a strong danger of fire. But when you have your car disposed of in the proper way you can prevent tyres doing bad and make sure they do some good instead.

Here are just five common uses for your car’s recycled tyres.

1. Gravel Substitute

Wherever gravel is used, tire chips can usually be used instead. They’re actually a great option since they limit frost penetration in cold climates and are nearly three times as light as gravel, which saves on labour, time, and equipment costs. As an added bonus, tire chips reduce vibrations and noise, so they’re often used under rail tracks set next to homes and businesses.

2. Crumb Rubber

Not sure what crumb rubber is? It’s essentially just a very finely ground rubber made from waste tires that have had their steel and cords removed. The remaining rubber can be reduced to a granular consistency and used in a variety of ways. Crumb rubber might be used for anything from anti-fatigue mats to playground flooring.

3. Landfill Medium

Landfills aren’t the most earth-friendly things but using old tyres as landfill medium can help. Shredded or chipped tyres can be used as a liner or cover to provide thermal insulation and reduce temperatures. They work better than coal or incinerator ash since they are more permeable.

4. Wastewater Treatment Filters

When shredded to a specific size, tyre chips can be used as filters in wastewater treatment plants and constructed wetlands. This is thanks to their porous nature, which roughly matches organic compounds, rocks, and other natural materials to create an ideal filter.

5. Garden Mulch

Last but not least, your recycled tyres can even be used to make your garden grow. Rubber mulch doesn’t float away during heavy rain and won’t rot the way wood mulch will. Better yet, it doesn’t attract termites or other wood-boring pests.

Tip of the Day

If It Doesn’t Smell, Don’t Wash It

According to Real Simple, if every American made an effort to launder less — cutting out just one load of laundry a week per household — we’d save enough water to fill seven million swimming pools each year.

So if it looks clean, and it smells clean, call it clean and wear it again. Consider hanging worn clothes out on your clothesline to freshen them up between wearings

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