Posted on February 23, 2019 by Andrew
People have become more aware of how their bagging choices affect the planet. The days of the single-use plastic bag are more or less over; instead shoppers and retailers alike are on the lookout for more eco-friendly materials, which is just one reason why paper shopping bags have seen such a spike in popularity. Read more…
Posted on November 09, 2018 by Andrew
Unfortunately for fashion retailers, negative press has been circulating their industry recently. It’s all about fast fashion, and it’s clear to see what the fuss is all about. In fact, one report revealed that around 300,000 tonnes of clothing is thrown away each year in the UK. Unfortunately, the rapid rate of fashion consumption is having a negative effect on the environment, from the increased amount of water that is being used in manufacturing to the amount of toxic chemicals that are involved with the making of garments.
But, there is one garment that many of us are guilty of only wearing once — our wedding dress. Repurposing your wedding dress is something that many of us don’t consider, but it can play its part in helping the environment. And, your bridal gown isn’t the only thing that you can reuse from your wedding day, read on to find out more: Read more…
Posted on August 21, 2018 by Andrew
Posted on December 21, 2017 by Andrew
You might have heard that scrapping cars is becoming increasingly lucrative. This is largely down to the fact that the scrapping process can now make use of more parts than ever – with more of the scrapped vehicle being put to good purpose, scrappers are able to offer more money when you’d like to dispose of your vehicle. Read more…
Posted on November 29, 2017 by Andrew
If your car is on its last legs, you might be resistant towards the idea of having it scrapped. However, this is often the best path, and it’s one that comes with several advantages. If you’re still on the fence about scrapping, why not read through the benefits before writing the idea off? Read more…
Posted on November 29, 2017 by Andrew
The management of waste is indeed inevitable and is a vital process that refers to the gathering, storing, and final disposal of all of our waste, and can be made up of just about anything from typical household rubbish to any hazardous materials that comes from nuclear power stations. Read more…
Posted on September 16, 2017 by Andrew
Responsible mattress disposal and mattress recycling in the UK is a significant concern for environmentally-conscious households and businesses. Whilst it’s desirable that options for disposing of an unwanted or end-of-life mattress should automatically (and easily) include possibilities for recycling, it is often the case that recycling services are difficult to access. Read more…