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  1. Can Cbd Oil Help Diabetes? – According To Doctor Monika Wassermann

    Posted on May 18, 2022 by Andrew

    Complemented by consistent repeat sales of products such as the olio lusso cbd-infused gummies or oil tinctures retailed by suppliers such as JustCBD, there is growing evidence to suggest CBD oil for diabetes is not just effective in lowering glucose levels, but also protects against some of the more common effects associated with diabetes. Some studies have looked at whether CBD oil may help diabetes as well, although at the moment, it is not a regulated treatment for this condition. But exactly how can cbd oil help diabetes?

    Research findings are mixed on whether CBD may have any beneficial effects on symptoms and complications of diabetes. That is, alongside the potential of CBD to help with symptoms of a neurological disease, researchers have begun studying CBD for diabetes. Numerous studies have shown CBD has the potential to ease, even reduce, symptoms of diabetes. Among the areas of research being conducted is if CBD can help treat and even reduce the risk of developing both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

    Doctor Monika Wassermann, Loxa Beauty lifestyle, fitness & health writer, notes that studies conducted in human and animal models suggest that CBD has therapeutic properties that could aid in treating diabetes. Benefits of CBD in treating health problems related to diabetes could include decreased inflammation and better control of blood glucose. While the treatments mentioned above are effective at relieving symptoms related to diabetes, CBD benefits aid the symptoms of conditions related to diabetes, such as hypertension and neuropathic pain.

    CBD, available for sale through platforms like Olio Lusso, has healing properties that can aid the treatment of symptoms related to diabetes, like CBDs ability to control inflammation, weight gain, and skin disorders. That said, if you are considering buying CBD to help alleviate your pain or suffering, you can buy them from online dispensaries who supply products in different forms like edibles, capusles, topicals, etc.

    However, before you decide on that, an expert advice will be helpful. You could consult a doctor who is specialized in medical marijuana. Wondering why? As each individual responds to medications differently, a healthcare professional like marijuana doctor brandon can help you find the right medication that can suit you.

    Anyway, a study published in The Journal of American College of Cardiology suggests CBD could help with the management of diabetes due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective properties (2). According to Rory Batt, M.Sc., who studies the link between the endocannabinoid system, CBD, and type 2 diabetes, CBD can also aid the improvement of the pancreatic health in humans. Current studies, along with personal testimonies, indicate that CBD can alleviate as well as prevent diabetes, engaging the endocannabinoid system via cannabinoid receptors throughout the body and the brain.

    In fact, some studies show cannabidiol (CBD) can help manage blood sugar, decrease stress and anxiety, and improve cardiovascular health, all important in diabetics. While CBD could potentially hold promise for controlling blood sugar levels, and could even help prevent diabetes, research is preliminary. For instance, a small study published in Diabetes Care in October 2016 from the UK looked at 62 individuals with type 2 diabetes and found CBD did not reduce blood sugar. In one study of inflammation caused by high blood sugar, scientists found CBD had a positive effect on measures of inflammation.

    In their paper, the authors reported that THCV (but not CBD) dramatically improved glucose control. In a study, CBD did not improve blood glucose and lipid levels in type 2 diabetics, but the THC variant did. When combined with the THC-based compound, which is the main intoxicant in marijuana, CBD helped people with type 2 diabetes better control blood sugar levels, according to a 2016 study looking at fasting blood sugar levels. HDL cholesterol In a small 2016 study in the journal Diabetes Care, researchers found that CBD use had a negligible effect on HDL cholesterol levels (the good kind) and a handful of other markers, like insulin sensitivity and appetite, among people with type 2 diabetes.

  2. Types, Uses and Servicing of Fuel Tank Monitoring Systems

    Posted on August 13, 2021 by Andrew

    There is a very real risk of leaking toxic substances that can cause serious health issues and catastrophic environmental damage anywhere fuel and chemical storage tanks are used. A tank monitoring system servicesare designed to detect leaks and track tank levels in both underground and above ground storage tanks. Monitoring systems also provide ongoing and up to date measurements of the tank level, the volume of liquids, temperature fluctuations, water level and sound alarms when high and/or low fuel levels are detected. Some systems can monitor double-wall tanks and supply lines, pressurized pipes and provide monitoring data remotely.

    Leaking storage tanks can result in lost product and revenue and cause serious legal problems. Gas-station owners, storage facilities, building, maintenance, industrial and manufacturing facility managers, schools, and hospitals all need to have a reliable tank monitoring system in place if they use any liquid fuel such as those supplied by the likes of Romeo’s Fuel or have chemical storage tanks. In some cases, homeowners too may require these fuel monitoring systems if they have requirements for a large amount of oil, for purposes such as heating the home, or the greenhouse, conservatory, and more. Having a leak detection system in place that will quickly alert managers, employees, or others to problems is the key to preventing these issues and staying legally compliant. The three main types of tank monitoring systems include:

    • ATG, or Automatic Tank Gauge systems. This type of monitoring system is designed to conduct statistical test that meet federal testing regulations. The main benefits of an automatic tank gauge system is ensuring compliance with state government regulations that include automatic monitoring of fluid levels to maintain accurate inventories for tracking use or sales of products.

    • TCV, or Temperature Compensated Volume, are designed to monitor product changes in a tank due to seasonal expansion and contraction. Because warmer temperatures cause product expansion and colder temperatures cause contraction, systems must be programmed for different temperature values to take seasonal temperature fluctuations into account.

    • UST, or Ultrasonic Tank, monitor systems are typically more accurate than gauges. Whereas gauges are accurate to plus or minus 11 percent volume, an ultrasonic monitor is accurate to plus or minus one percent. UST monitoring systems are highly efficiently and cost-effective, comply with local, state and federal requirements and ensure safe and efficient operation by continuously monitoring for leak detection. UST systems are also referred to as fuel management systems, leak detection systems and automatic tank gauge systems.

    Leak detection gauges and visual notification displays immediately notify personnel when a leak, overfill conditions or a loss of pressure in a fuel line occurs. A variety of terms are used to describe tank monitoring systems. These include “automatic tank gauge systems,” “leak detection systems” and “fuel management systems.” Irrelevant of the terminology used, tank monitoring systems employ some or all of the following detection methods:

    • Automatic tank gauges use probes, or sensors that are accurate to 1/1000 of an inch. These sensors not only monitor the height of fuel, but the height of the water that typically accumulates in underground storage tanks. Note that safety regulations require water to be at no more than a one-inch level at all times.

    • Because liquids expand and contract at different rates, it is crucial that temperature changes be monitored to know the increase or decrease in volume the fluctuation may cause. As an example, a rise in temperature of one degree Fahrenheit in a 10,000-gallon gasoline tank will result in the gasoline increasing seven gallons in volume.

    • Sensors placed between the walls of a double-walled storage tank will read fluid leaking from the inner wall of the tank.

    • Alarm will sound if the pressure should drop below a preset PSI.

    Display consoles can provide various readouts depending on the type of system. For example:

    • A green status light indicates the system is functioning properly, a yellow light indicates an issue that needs to be addressed and a red light indicated a breech is in progress. A touchscreen display can show the number of tanks in service, the type and amount of liquid in each tank and record the pressure in each tank during testing.

    • Verify how much liquid is in the tank, when it is empty and if a line is not pressurizing properly.

    • Check for other alarms that may prevent a test from running.

    • Check the pressure in a line.

    • Check for visible leaks.

    Choosing the best tank monitoring system for a particular application will depend on several factors. This includes the number of tanks that need to be monitored, the types of liquids being stored and the temperature fluctuations in the region of the country where the tanks are located. For those with little prior knowledge of oil and fuel tanks, it may be prudent to contact professional providers like Green Seal Oil Tank Service. This can be especially helpful for homeowners or people who have moved into a property with an oil tank. As for commercial applications, there may be plenty of other regulations to keep in mind, to understand which, consulting the right people can be crucial.

    At a minimum, each tank must have a level probe, a sump sensor and an interstitial space monitor. Some monitoring systems, like the Veeder Root 450PLUS, are capable of monitoring as many as 64 tanks and can accommodate up to 99 sensors. Irrelevant of what type of monitoring system is employed, regularly scheduled preventive maintenance is imperative to ensure the tank monitoring system will continue to work properly and ensure the safe and efficient operation of the storage tanks.

  3. Which is the Right Printer for you – Inkjet or Laser?

    Posted on October 30, 2015 by Andrew

    Those considering buying a printer will need to choose from among a seemingly never-ending range of available options. Though a large number of factors must be considered, the overriding choice will be between one of two different printing technologies. On the one hand, inkjet, on the other, laser.

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  4. If It Doesn’t Smell, Don’t Wash It

    Posted on March 22, 2015 by Andrew

    According to Real Simple, if every American made an effort to launder less — cutting out just one load of laundry a week per household — we’d save enough water to fill seven million swimming pools each year.

    So if it looks clean, and it smells clean, call it clean and wear it again. Consider hanging worn clothes out on your clothesline to freshen them up between wearings

Tip of the Day

If It Doesn’t Smell, Don’t Wash It

According to Real Simple, if every American made an effort to launder less — cutting out just one load of laundry a week per household — we’d save enough water to fill seven million swimming pools each year.

So if it looks clean, and it smells clean, call it clean and wear it again. Consider hanging worn clothes out on your clothesline to freshen them up between wearings

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