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Coffee Cup Waste

Posted on February 24, 2017 by Andrew

If you drink a coffee on the go and put your paper cup in the recycling bin you probably think you’re doing your bit, but it’s been revealed that most of these cups are being sent to landfills are they can’t actually be recycled!
This graphic from Eco2Greetings shows the extent of coffee cup waste in the USA, which is a staggering 50 billion cups each year.

Tip of the Day

If It Doesn’t Smell, Don’t Wash It

According to Real Simple, if every American made an effort to launder less — cutting out just one load of laundry a week per household — we’d save enough water to fill seven million swimming pools each year.

So if it looks clean, and it smells clean, call it clean and wear it again. Consider hanging worn clothes out on your clothesline to freshen them up between wearings

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