Posted on February 15, 2018 by Andrew
Paper bags are one of the most versatile items in your craft box, and here’s just one more way to make use of those older bags. If you have a paper bag or two lying around and find yourself with both the kids and time on your hands, why not indulge the family’s creative side by making a couple of fun paper bag crowns for everyone to play in? Read more…
Posted on October 12, 2017 by Andrew
We love how creative you can get with paper bags, especially around the spooky Halloween season. From trick-or-treating sacks to candle lanterns to scary hand puppets, there’s plenty you can do with your old paper shopping bags to engage your children’s imagination and keep them busy on the cold and windy nights prior to their evening of ghouls, ghosts, and goblins. Read more…
Posted on August 30, 2017 by Andrew
Regardless of the industry, you’re in or the size of your venture, broadband has become a critical part of modern day business. With the wide array of options out there not to mention the technical jargon and tricky acronyms, choosing the right broadband can be daunting. It’s crucial to get your head around several factors before selecting a particular package or provider. Read more…
Posted on March 22, 2015 by Andrew

I wear silver jewelry almost exclusively, but it’s a real downer when the oil from my skin tarnishes the metal, leaving it dull and dirty-looking. Recently I realized I hadn’t been wearing a few pieces I own that I really like, and it was just because the tarnish made them less shiny and pretty than they used to be. I knew I could go out and buy some expensive, toxic silver polish to restore my jewelry to its original shininess, but after a little research, I discovered a natural way to get the job done that doesn’t involve toxic chemicals.
So I did a little experiment using a silver necklace my parents brought back from a trip to Alaska a few years ago. I hadn’t worn the necklace in years because it had turned so dull, but after just 15 minutes or so, it’s just like new again! Here’s how I did it: Read more…