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  1. How Can the UK Cut Their CO2 Emissions to Zero?

    Posted on September 13, 2019 by Andrew

    The UK is set on reducing its emissions of greenhouse gasses to nothing by 2050. Achieving this would make the UK the lowest emitters and cleanest country in the world. But is it a realistic proposal?

    It was recorded that in the UK alone around 500 million tonnes of CO2 is being emitted every year. The government has begun pushing to reduce this through guidance from the Committee on Climate Change. A huge motive for reducing emissions comes from a UN reports stating that CO2 emissions must be totally stopped to avoid dangerous changes to the climate.

    The UK’s climate minister spoke to the BBC News and shared: “The report was a really stark and sober piece of work — a good piece of work. Now we know what the goal is, and we know what some of the levers are. But for me, the constant question is: what is the cost and who’s going to bear that, both in the UK and in the global economy. The question is: what does government need to do, where can the private sector come in, and what technologies will come through?”

    Vindis, who offer VW service deals, has shared the extent of this issue and some of the ways emissions can be reduced.

    Improve home insulation

    BBC News stated in early 2017 that 80 per cent of the UK’s CO2 emissions had to drop between then and 2050. They recorded that a third of all of all the emissions had come from heating.

    The Green Building Council stated in Parliament that 25 million homes will not currently meet the standards of insulation being enforced in 2050, and will need to be replaced to a much higher standard. According to calculations, these findings mean that the rate of refurbishment stood at a rate of 1.4 homes needing to be worked on every minute as of the beginning of 2017.

    On top of cutting emissions, good insulation can lead to many more benefits. The Green Building Council’s head Julie Hirigoyen explains: “People will have warmer homes and lower bills; they will live longer, happier lives; we will be able to address climate change and carbon emissions.

    “We will also be creating many thousands of jobs and exporting our best skills in innovation.”

    Utilise low-carbon fuels

    One method that is already being adopted it using low carbon fuels. It is dependent on the public and businesses to utilise this though, and it appears the nation is already assisting in this area.

    Imperial College London and The Guardian, reported that the amount of renewable energy in the UK surpassed the quantity of fossil fuels for the first time ever. With the amount of renewable capacity trebling in the same five-year period that fossil fuels decreased by one-third, the capacity of biomass, hydropower, solar and wind power hit 41.9 gigawatts and the capacity of gas, coal and oil-fired power plants recorded in at 41.2 gigawatts between July and September.

    The research, carried out by Dr Iain Staffell, noted that: “Britain’s power system is slowly but surely walking away from fossil fuels, and [the quarter between July and September] saw a major milestone on the journey.”

    Once again, a record was also set in 2018 in the UK where they managed to be without coal power for three days, or 76 consecutive hours. This was before a report from Imperial College London which was commissioned by Drax suggested that coal supplied only 1.3 per cent of Britain’s entire use of electricity during the second quarter of 2018 — furnaces based at coal-fired power stations throughout the country were completely unused for 12 days in June last year too.

    Purchase fuel-efficient vehicles

    New diesel and petrol vans and cars will be banned across the UK from 2040.Despite many years still to wait before this is enforced, it seems many Brits are already exploring what alternative-fuel vehicles are out there e.g. LPG powered vehicles.

    Next Green Car reports that the registrations of new plug-in cars have jumped from only 3,500 to over 195,000 in just the six years from 2013. Furthermore, figures released by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders highlighted that electric car sales across the UK has shifted from only close to 500 being registered each month in the early part of 2014 to an average of 5,000 per month throughout 2018.

    The British road infrastructure is improving as well and is able to hold more alternative-fuel vehicles, thanks to ongoing private and government investment. While the UK’s network of electric vehicle charging points was recorded in at just a few hundred units as of 2011, there had been more than 5,800 charging locations, 9,800 charging devices and 16,700 connectors installed by June 2018.

    Despite only 6.84 per cent of the UK car market being alternative-fuel vehicles, it seems that the trend in their number is increasing. The UK is on the right track to heavily reduce carbon emissions.

    The ambition of reaching an emission count of zero is admirable, but a huge challenge too. Fortunately, some of the examples covered in this article do suggest that efforts are being made to ensure the nation reaches its goal.











  2. 3 of the Most Eco-Friendly World Records

    Posted on July 05, 2019 by Andrew

    World records capture the public’s imagination. There is something quite magical about witnessing something that holds the world record for what it is trying to achieve.

    As we move to a more environmentally sustainable world many of the records we are seeing are focused on being eco-friendly initiatives. Read more…

  3. Save the Planet: Things That Can Make a Difference to Mother Earth

    Posted on June 26, 2019 by Andrew

    Transitioning to a green lifestyle is not only beneficial for you but also contributes positively to our environment. In today’s tech-driven and fast-paced world, waste generation has become a significant issue. Fortunately, both corporations and governments are taking steps to protect our environment. However, as individuals, it’s our responsibility to care for the planet we call home, and we should view it as a privilege. There are many ways to demonstrate our commitment to the environment, and one option is to volunteer abroad with Frontier.

    Read more…

  4. Laminated vs. Unlaminated Bags: The Pros and Cons of Each

    Posted on January 23, 2019 by Andrew

    Paper bags are becoming more and more popular, so you might just be thinking of investing in an order for your business. Of course, there are some decisions you’ll need to make, including whether to choose laminated or unlaminated bags. Read more…

  5. Asbestos garage removal

    Posted on January 23, 2019 by Andrew

    Although asbestos was banned in the ‘90s and since then people have been gradually getting rid of it, whenever possible, still in many dwellings there are materials consisting asbestos, which can even after many years pose a threat to one’s health and well-being. As time goes by, constructions made of asbestos may deteriorate or get damaged, and as a result, asbestos within them may become friable and airborne. If you have asbestos in your roof and it has since become damaged you should contact Florida Southern Roofing – roof repair in Sarasota, FL as soon as possible. Yet, which parts of construction were made of asbestos? Thanks to its resistance to heat, durability and affordability, it was often used in tiles, insulation, piping or roofing materials; hence it is still often found in garages and their roofs. Thus, if your garage was built over 20 years ago, it may require a professional test for asbestos presence. Most people don’t have these sorts of garages anymore, they are more likely to have modern styles of garages. For instance, they might be contemplating the pros and cons of a Pole Barn Garage vs Portable Steel Garage, something that those older people won’t even have a clue on. But for the people who have stuck with their original rusty garage, you are the ones who need to make sure you are safe from asbestos, or, consider jumping on these fancy garage bandwagons! Read more…

  6. The fluctuation of fuel

    Posted on December 19, 2018 by Andrew

    As electric cars and hybrid vehicles become a more popular alternative, just what impact will this have on traditional fuel sources?

    With the help of Motability dealers Lookers, we explore the future of fuel. Recently, the government in the UK have proposed plans to ban any sales of new diesel and petrol vehicles by 2040 as they try to clean the nation’s air quality. This stems from diesel receiving a lot of scrutiny due to the levels of Nitrogen Oxide our vehicles emit. As a result, 2017 was a record year for sales of electric vehicles, with over 4,000 new registrations per month in the UK — a significant increase compared to 2013 figures, which witnessed just 3,500 new registrations over the entire year! Read more…

  7. 4 Reasons to Use Printed Paper Bags vs. Printed Plastic Bags

    Posted on November 29, 2018 by Andrew

    There are many forms of marketing these days, in fact online and digital marketing has become very popular. However, physical marketing is still used wide range bringing in just as much success for businesses. They need items like leaflets and business cards (click here for more) to help get their recognition. No matter how much we rely on the digital world, traditional marketing is not going to easily go away, in fact, for some businesses there can be in a surge in using this method to help them appeal to a certain audience. This is why brochure printing in Dublin, including other areas, is needed. It would also be important to note (especially for today) that some other businesses also like to use bags too! On this page, we will be talking about the use of bags in marketing. Single-use plastic bags used to be the preferred choice in retail outlets all across the world, but people have gained a higher appreciation for the paper bag in recent years. That’s mostly because of the move towards eco-friendly packaging, but there are other factors at work. Read more…

Tip of the Day

If It Doesn’t Smell, Don’t Wash It

According to Real Simple, if every American made an effort to launder less — cutting out just one load of laundry a week per household — we’d save enough water to fill seven million swimming pools each year.

So if it looks clean, and it smells clean, call it clean and wear it again. Consider hanging worn clothes out on your clothesline to freshen them up between wearings

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